Ullock Pike 692m, Long Side 734m, Carl Side 746m,

When we got to the top of first one it was clouded in so we use the map and compass to get the other two.

Top of Ullock Pike NY244287

We measured the distance from peak to peak using our map and the scale on our compass.

Top of Long Side NY248284
We had use pacing  (approx 65 paces per 100m) to help navigate between the peaks. I made sure that the map was always orientated correctly; I had to use the compass to do this sometimes.

Top of Carl Side NY255280. The cairn didn't seem
to coordinate with the location of the peak
marked on the map...

...so we took a picture of both.

We took careful notice of what the ground was doing and made sure that any change in altitude and/or terrain corresponded with where we thought we were on the map.
