Harter Fell (Far Eastern Fells) (778m) Kentmere Pike (730m) Shipman Knotts (587m

I had planned this walk a while ago but had to wait for some good weather.

We we started be walking up the valley near to another peak I had done. At the top of the valley we headed West up to Harter Fell.

Top of Harter Fell NY459093
Google Earth of Harter Fell. 
On the top of Harter Fell I saw a small lake that I had  camped near to many years ago. 
I practised setting the map using a compass.

From the Harter Fell we  followed a fence then to a wall to Kentmere Pike.
Top of  Kentmere Pike NY465078
Looking at Windermere. 

Top of Shipman Knotts NY472063

From the last peak (Shipman Knott) we hand railed a wall  down to the bridley way and the followed the track to the car park.

I lead the whole walk.
