Causey Pike (637m) Scar Crags ( 672m) Sail (773m) Eel Crag (839m) Wandope (772m) Whiteless Pike (660m)

We started with booking a hostel in Keswick. We stayed overnight because it is dark earlier and I wanted to start early and do the peaks.  We woke up in the morning and got ready went to our destinations car park.  It was a frosty morning. We stared to walk at 9:30. It was a nice day and a bit cloudy later on.

The start of the walk   

top of Causey Pike (NY218208)

top of Crags (NY208206)

Interesting path to the top of my 100 peak.

top of Sail (NY198204100 peak.

top of Eel Crag (Crag Hill) (NY192203)

top of  Wandope (NY188197)

I like how many hills there are. It reminds me of one of my paintings.

Top of Whiteless Pike (NY180189)

I was a little bit tricky walking down so i used my pole to get down. We finished around about 2.40. We called up a taxi and we waited in a pub.
We also saw this Irish comedian (ed byrne) in the pub. 

