Making a Curry

  • Rice
  • Curry sauce
  • Chicken

I also added these vegetables to add taste but other vegetables could be used.
  • 1 red pepper
  • Mushrooms
  • 1 Onion

Wash hands and prepare the area for cooking


1.Measure rice (2 cups is ample for three people)

2.Put in a saucepan and add double the quantity of water, i.e. 2 cups water to 1 cup rice

3.Add a knob of butter

4.Bring to the boil

5.Once boiling (the rice should just start to look like craters on the moon) place a lid on the pan and simmer for 15mins.

Bring rice to boil and then
simmer for 15mins
Remember to simmer the rice
with the lid on

6.Rinse rice with fresh boiling water.



1.Dice or slice vegetables and chicken

Remember to use a separate
 cutting board for meats and veg

Fry chicken until no pink bit are
 2.Gently fry chicken until sealed

Add the vegetables

 3.Add Pepper

4.Add Onion and after a few minutes add the mushrooms.

Cook until peppers are soft and
chicken is lightly brown
 5.When the ingredients are cooked, i.e. when the chicken is slightly brown and the peppers are soft, add the curry sauce.

Add sauce and simmer for 15mins

6.Simmer for 15mins stirring occasionally

